Sunday, July 19, 2009

Gotong royong 09

hah~?! Dirty us! hardly clean the cu room... Let's get to work!

Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work
(didn't take pics lu)

Group pics~ For those who went home early too bad la XD

We had fun don't we? =) Remember to keep CU room nice and clean (advice from your dear pres lol)

Cu trip~~~ 8th August 09

Pls settle the payment ASAP! TQ~

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This Fri's Activity

Suddenly feel like wanna update about this coming Friday's activity.

It's 1.30pm-3.00pm
at CU room.
We would like you to share about your opinion, feeling and your comments about the passed
ISCF Rally 2009 especially you, you, you, and you (yeah I'm pointing at you, don't look elsewhere.. LOL) who served for the rally.
Besides, we also have 'special activity'.. *wink wink*
Hope to see you there.

ps: Bring your buku Gerko along la.. haha

Monday, July 6, 2009



Sorry for not updating the blog for SOOO long!

See you there! If you need transport n all, pls contact any of our CU committees, we will try to help you get there =)