Monday, November 22, 2010

Majlis Perpisahan 2010

The long-awaited photos are here! I am so sleepy right now and my fingers are so lazy to type already. There are 123 photos here (I'm totally drained) so I hope you smile every time you see a photo. You better smile 123 times or I'll kill you. >=)

Okay, enough babbling.

Socks! You'll learn more about them later. ;]

Neatly arranged chairs by our logistic team! =)

NOW, IT'S FOOD TIME! *cackles*


LET THE EATING BEGIN! 8D... (The dots are saliva, BTW.)

One whole stretch of foodies! 8D

Caught red-handed! xD

Gary, Gary, Gary... Don't stuff yourself, dude! xD

Happy eaters!

Our great photographer! 8]

"Me want more food." *evil grins*

Too busy eating to pose for the camera.

Next, the old people seniors took a seat and enjoyed our skit.

Settle down, settle down...

It started off with a borrriiing CU meeting led by the new P&W team.

Haaariii innni, kuraaasaaa baaahaaagiiiaaa... *yawns*

Joyce (Yi Yan), the ex-president, advised the new president (Carissa).

Joe Siang (Justin), the vice president, asking why no one went for devotion. Bored-to-death members remained silent.

Cin Yi (Jie Xin), the secretary, walked in to collect the buku gerko. One bored-to-death member came to life and instantly fell in love with her...


My love... (HAHAHAHA.)

Lean Lik (Joel), the treasurer, teaching the new treasurer (Cheryl) how to collect offering. I wanna be a billionaire, so freaking baaad... x)

"No, no, no! CU isn't like that!" Joyce exclaimed. "CU is filled with drama..."

AHEM. *speechless*

Then, Joyce continued, "CU is filled with daaancing!"

All the single ladies, all the single ladies!

"CU is also filled with music!"

Matthias strumming his guitar.

"Last but not least, CU is filled with singing!" Joyce smiled as Kelly (Heng Wei), the P&W leader, walks in.

If I die young, bury me in satin...

Lay me down on a bed of roses...

Sink me in the river at dawn...

Send me away with the words of a love sooong...

"And we celebrate people's birthdays!"

Sue-Ann (Yin Whei), the career, sings the birthday song and throws birthday cards! 8D

"All I want is world peace!"

After every CU meeting, the very responsible administrator, Gary (Daniel), will help arrange the chairs back!

"MAO." *pushes chair* "MAO." *pushes chair* "MAO." *pushes chair*

If you guys didn't get the joke, lemme explain. Who watches SpongeBob SquarePants? "ME!" Okay. So, remember the cat snail who meows? Yep, he's called Gary. Get it? Gary Lee is Gary the Snail! x]


A few months later, with the seniors' help, CU had become a better place and recruited even more members! YAY!

The NEW and IMPROVED P&W team!

Awesome guitarist and pianist!

Carissa hugging Joyce because CU has grown. ;)

The skit ended with a Glee song, To Sir With Love.

And then, it was time for JUSTIN BIEBER NG and his BOYFRIEND's performance! Make some noise, people! *audience screams and shrieks*

My first love broke my heart for the first time...

And I was like baby, baby, baby ohhh...

Like baby, baby, baby nooo...

HAHAHAHA. Ahem. Okay, then it was Su Mei's turn to give her looovely speech.

Everyone listened attentively(?).

Next, Pn. Cheah gave the seniors their souvenirs - KWANG HUA SCHOOL SOCKS!

Pn. Cheah gave her speech first.

Yep, these were ones you saw earlier!


Gary the snail! MAO!

Joe Siang!

Ying Khian!

En Yew!

PANG CHEE MENG, HAHAHAHA! Reminds me of the Single Ladies dance he did! xD

Lean Lik, security! x)


Uhh, Elliot's friend? o_o Sorry, I don't know his name.

Socking away!

Put a sock in it. 8D

Yummy sockies!


Heng Wei ran off to find someone to take our group picture. Finally, Michelle can rest. =]

Look at Cheryl and Joshua. HAHAHA.

Take 1 : Serious one.

Take 2 : Random one.

Take 3 : Syok sendiri one.



After that, GAMES! 8D

The punishment is the winner gets to draw the loser's arm using colourful Sharpie pens!

"Choose the colour you want."


Joyce won many times.

I don't know what's up with Leonard's look. It's creepy! o_o

Finally, Joyce lost. >=D

Yes, you are. x)

The second game was something like the trees and squirrels game.

Haha, this is so gay. xD


A round of applause! Woohoo!

Undeniably, everyone loves camwhoring. ;)

This is proof.


Thick lips!

Upside down thick lips? o_o

Joe Siang handles his sock with care! xD

Aww, so sweet. HAHAHAHA.

Sue-Ann! =D

Joshua the VAMPIRE.

LOL, Elliot. xD

As the saying goes : All good things will surely come to an end. ='( Some stayed back to help clean up the classroom.

And some...

... clean up pun nak syok sendiri. ADUHAI!

These 123 pictures should've made you smile 123 times. As to all our seniors, thanks for being there for us. We'll definitely miss you all! God bless you all and may you guys succeed in your future undertakings! =')

Okay, seriously, this is the longest post I've ever blogged about. I bet it's longer than the Great Wall of China. And OMG, I've never posted so many photos in my entire life. Okay, got lah.


*slumps onto the floor and snores*