Sunday, August 23, 2009


No, we're not going for war. Instead, on Sep 4th (Friday), we would be having a captainball match! Come geared up in your sports attire and high spirits, as we wage war against each other to score the most goals! And remember, bring your buku gerko. See ya'll after the holidays! =)

DATE: 4 Sep 2009 (Friday)

TIME: 1.30-3.30 p.m.

PLACE: Meet up at 5A3, match would be outdoors.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kwang+ACS CU outing to Bukit Cahaya

Yes FINALLY, after much bugging by you people, after the loooong agonizing wait for an update, presenting, our very own combine CU outing with ACS-ians to Bukit Cahaya!! I'll let the pictures take over from now on. =D

Some warm-up before entering...

Happy people getting their bicycles.

Also, happy people who didn't know how to cycle. =P

Some of them chose to experience summer (like M'sia not hot enough...)

Enjoying their food. By the way, when asked what was the best part of the trip, many said it was the FOOD! It was THAT good.

Praise and worship lead by the ACS-ians

The sketch competition.

Much laughters during the sketch...

The team that got second...I think this was the Bata advertisement part.

A happy group shot...

And everybody go CRAZYYYY!

For those who missed it, feeling tortured already? =D Don't worry, after this, there's a lot more to look forward to. Thank God for His protection over everyone on that day and for the great fun and fellowship gained!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The OLDs are going and the NEWs are coming?

Annual General Meeting~
Date: 7/8/09
Time: 1.30pm-3.15pm
Place: 5A3

Trip's announcement, please attend this Fri's meeting!

-Bring your gerko book
-Notebook and stationery
-Makan lunch together
-Don't be late~

I AM A 'C' !