SO, finally, after ages of waiting and your dearest VP Tan Ting Han pestering me, here are your ISCF Rally 2011 : REALITY CHECK pictures :D
( lousy computer's been giving me trouble, hence the super LATE upload)
Before the awesomest event of the year began (and Joshua showing of his BIG muscles)
And then the BAND came on stage . . .
"And there was singing and there was dancing, and the jumping was not excluded" :P
Not forgetting our super HOT emcee, Kelly Yong, who gladly hosted for us this year :)
And also for our AWESOME praise team who brought out the hype in the Klang-ians :P
And the photos after Rally was over (sorry didn't get any pics of the pastor)
And here we have the photobombs that Kwang Hua-rians are so fond of. . .
some of the other shots of the night (: