Haha well its the end of year 2007 (sobzzzz) and what better way to end a year and start a new one by taking a stroll down MEMORY LANE 2007? Hold on lemme get those pics...
Whats this? Oh yea the RockIt Camp booklet! We started the year with a BLAST didn't we? Now if I remember correctly...
Hmm well heres the bunch of blurrrr ppl... camp newbies... just like myself... (but im not da picture hehe)
(Lol check it out>>>) WELCOME TO ROCKIT CAMP!
Praise and worship team!!! No play play ya! Must listen to Adrian u knw!
Say CHEEZE evrybudy! Ying Sing drop that spoon! Still got plenty of supper laa....
Planet Rockerz Team! We Rox don't we?!?!
Hehe...ok la... RoCk N RolleRz oso Rock la!!!W00t!
Sumore got bedtime story by Adrian koko to listen to ler!
See?? Everyone luvs it! xD
Fuiyoh!!! Even pastor can rock it!!!!! Woo H00!
Sweet memories!!! ROCK ON CU!!!
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