Friday, October 2, 2009

Memoirs of a Retired CU president XD

Is that the right title to use? LOL (laugh out loud!)
Time flies~ Yes, It's been 5 great years in CU. I was that blur girl who "blurly" joined CU. I wasn't a CU member back then but I do attend CU regularly. What kept me coming to CU was the way all members bond. CU was not just ANY society, it's more like a huge rojak family, agree? ;)
There wasn't many members back then, CU room was just nice to fit all of us. What about now? We can cramp in CU room like sardines LOL We "upgraded" to a classroom size (AMEN!)
There are some things I STILL remember that really touched me. Form 1, I went to my first ever CU camp that was held in Pn Chew's house. I fell sick, and thanks to some big "kor kors" and "jie jies", I was well taken care of  =) oh, I still remember how Ru Xuan who gave me the fishermen medicine thingy and taught me how to suck it LOL! Si Yan was pres that time, wow, her leadership just makes me admires her LOL. And then was Ying Sing, who always cares bout all of us =) As a young member, I can really see God shining through their lifes. Heng Yee is SOOO gracious to me, I was always busy in library and she helped me a lot when I was suppose to help her! I feel so bad (>.<) I fell sick again during last year's camp (why do I always fall sick during camps?! LOL) This time round, it was mostly the juniors who "look after" me LOL. Being sick enables me to pay attention to everyone, and I can see that everyone is so glued together LOL. Thank you all.

As Christians, I think it is important to care for people around you, a simple note will make a person's day. How I know? That's how I feel =) CU is a place where I grow spiritually and serve our awesome God with all I am. Once shy and timid Kim (still shy though LOL) is now more bold in faith. AND I learn to share in CHINESE! XD FYI: I was leading worship in one of ISCF committee meeting and I was SO afraid that I'll unconsciously speak in Chinese LOL!

Advise to all CU members and all Christians in Kwang Hua CU:
We must be united no matter what. Support your leaders, especially Joyce and Joe Siang (don't bully them LOL) If you guys need any help, I'll be more than happy to help in all that I can. A request: I was impacted and challenged during my church camp, LifeGame and I really want you all to experience it too. Its available in Chinese (hooray~) Hopefully the committees will be able to arrange one ;) We have about 60++ members in the morning session, I pray that we'll see those 60++ members in CU =)

All glory to God!

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