Saturday, January 30, 2010

Burn Out Bright!

Hi guys, the much awaited post about the 1st CU activity of the year is here!!!!
Sorry it took so long...

here's the photos:

time: 1.30-3.30
date: 22/1/2010
place: 5A3

Empty seats? Not for long.

The classroom was filled to the brim with guys and girls alike!
Here is Joyce father's son brother, Elijah doing a coin trick.

Praise & worship was led by Gary (not in photo), with Chi En and Ying Khian.

Then we all filled in a personal information form....
The highlight of the day!!! The Burn Out Bright skit by Su Mei and gang *clap clap*. They did an awesome job don't you think?

Special guests - former president Kimberly and the former publicity coordinator Jia Yee

Game master - Sue Ann
We all played the 'Blanket Game' to break the ice and get to know everyone.

Former President and vice president!!
Up goes the blanket...

Down goes the blanket....
Who's behind that blanket? Nobody knows...
and.. the losing team had to do the chicken dance
Joe Siang and Lean Lik explaining this year's theme - Burn Out Bright, 灭中最亮

In the process of 灭-ing???


Avril Ong said...

So wonderful event..Totally God's plan ^^ Keep up the good work !^^

Joyce said...

Hey! yeah, thanks for the encouragement! Thank God for technology, haha now all the ex-CF members can come and envy our activities virtually. hahaha XD