Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hello everyone, with much heartfelt sorrow, I hereby announce that this Friday's "visit" to the lovely Bukit Raja Jusco has been postponed or so called cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. 

Hmmm... actually a lot of people could not make it plus our 'tour guide' is having some transportation problem. So far, this visit is declared cancelled.

BUT!!! for those of you who still wanna go, please do carry on! It's always good to have fellowship and enjoy each other's company right?! Heeh...Well, CU will resume as usual next Friday. Hope to see you there! Till then, BYE!!!

Some important matters:
~CU is having devotion every Tuesday!
~I'm sorry but I have accidentally deleted the photos from CU's party a few weeks back... :( Guess you all won't get to see the photos... 

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