*Applies to Form 3's only. ;P
HI! HI! HI! =D
Sorry for going MIA because of the evil PMR, I feel so guilty! D= Thumbs up for Joyce's touching post (aww... =']). PHEW, PMR IT'S FINALLY OVER. *evil laughs* I can't believe I actually survived it! Form 3's, how was the exam? If you've prayed (and studied), God will certainly answer your prayers.
Okay, why am I even talking about PMR? Just thinking of it makes me sick. -_-
Anyway, YES YES YES. There's CU this Friday and it's a really really really really really really really - AIYA, REALLY TIMES A GAZILLION TO THE POWER OF INFINITE LAH - SPECIAL day. *cues mysterious background song*
- Why? 'Cause we have a SPECIAL guest! =D
- When? 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm (might be slightly later)
- Where? 5A3
WARNING (LOL, awkward) :
As mentioned before, DON'T BE LATE (or you'll be punished - no lah, just kidding). This time it's crucial! We have a guest, man! If you're a guest, do you want to wait for your audience? Of course not! So, after eating/sleeping/chatting with friends/whatever-ing in the canteen/somewhere, go straight to 5A3 immediately . If you are late, the whole thing will start later then we'll end later then your parents have to wait for you then you'll reach home later. See? Everything is interconnected! Be punctual, 'kay!
Most importantly, BE THERE! Those people who have been absent for so long (especially Form 3's), no more excuses to escape CU. PMR IS DEAD. *cackles* This SPECIAL someone is going to share about something so SPECIAL that it can change your life. You'll not regret it! And it's not boring, okay. 100% guaranteed!
I can be a saleswoman already, like promoting something. o_o
Okay, anyway, we'll be expecting everyone so it's a must to show up no matter what! God will definitely bless you! 8)
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