Sunday, October 10, 2010

Toodleessss! =P

Hi! So, as according to CU’s tradition, here’s my ‘last words’ as an ex-President.

It’s been a really realllyyyy long journey since my young days in Form 1 and to compare CU then to CU now, all of us seniors can really just attest that GOD IS GREAT. We have progressed so much not just in terms of numbers, also spiritually, discipline and the bonding! And I tell you, I can flatter every single one of you who played a big part in this, but at the end of the day, nothing would have been possible without the old-timers who I know have put much prayer and tears into the future of CU and for what it is now. 

Whether you like it or not, someone I believe must had prayed for YOU. (I have!) Any random person across the planet who decided to pray for the youths of Malaysia would refer to YOU. And therefore, know that you are blessed and many of the goodness in your life could have come from prayers of people God moved to pray. So dearest, here is truly one thing that is worth investing in, it’s so simple and so free, PRAYER. Your prayer really makes all the difference to a person, and what more if we pray together as a CU.  And EHHH, I always say prayer is the most basic thing of Christian faith kay! So no excuses,you leader ker, new Christian ker, Christian-but-no-transport-attend-CU ker, whoever you are, always pray! Pray for Kwang Hua, pray for your class, pray for the teachers, for the school cleaner, for CU, for your leaders, it will come to pass with persistence and unity. I tell you a secret, all those CU seniors who has left years ago are STILL praying for Kwang Hua CU, even us seniors, after we leave, we will STILL pray. Because it is the easiest yet most powerful tool God has given us. I really want to include this in my ‘last words’ because I think only this year, we ‘touched’ a bit on the importance of prayer and I admit there’s a lack of consistency in our prayer meetings, so Su Mei make it up for my lack of emphasis la okay! PRAY because God just can’t wait to answer.

You may be young, new or inexperience, but with the little that you have, offer it humbly unto God and He can use you. Remember, it’s always about the heart. You do not have to already be the best or most popular to serve. You ain’t serving just people, but you are offering yourselves up unto God who mould you and called you beautiful. In times to come, you might meet failures, low turn-outs, messy activities, maybe even complains from the school, but fear not, for these are only petty problems which makes you stronger and refine you as a leader. I’ve said this a hundred and one times, CU is not a club, it is a ministry. Let God be the President, ask God to guide your decisions and preside over every meeting. CU is not a club too because it’s meant to reach out and spread the good news in Kwang Hua. Reach out! Don’t just stick with your Christian friends, go forth and love! Have more parties with food! =P

Lastly, I want you to know that I love you guys to bits! I’m sorry if in my sharing or conversations I have offended anyone, I admit myself a wild President. XD Continue to be the most loving family there is in Kwang Hua. I truly found love and much joy in CU. Just as you guys have grant so much grace, support, and blessing to me, continue to do so for the your other leaders and members. CU is so Psalms 133 man. And so yes beloved, remain in Him and He will truly remain in you. =)


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