Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Well, first things first:-
-I am not one of those 'smarty-pants' that don't even need to lift an eyelid to see their results
-In fact, I only have that much 'cleverness' in me to get me into a moderate class. (yes, i humble myself 'kao kao' to say this)
I so want to start my story way back from the beginning of this year. But considering all you poor poor readers, i shall just keep it short and sweet.
Straight to the point- i got 8As for my PMR. It's all so amazing, starting from how i did not expect to get all As since i kind of screwed my BM. Apparently, i wrote out of the point for the last section of my BM karangan paper.. And to make things worse, the BM paper was on the first day of the exam, so after sitting for the paper, my hopes of getting all As were dashed... i was prepared for the worse actually....
But that's how prayer really does wonders! HE* not only heard my prayers, HE* did some amazing stuff like refreshing my memory. Especially for the BC essay paper, i couldn't remember how to write so many chinese words. And as you know, you are so gone when you don't know how to write..... words!!! But just at this crucial moment that a little prayer did the work. (smiles)
Okay, last thursday was results day. I don't know why but i wasn't nervous or anything like that. It was like all my feelings were numb. No feelings at all, which was a good thing! I would really like to think that HE* was holding my heart, as HE* knows that every time i am about to get my results, my heart would literally be flying off out of my body. And maybe HE* knew before hand that i would have a major heart attack, so HE* came early in the morning and stayed with me to prevent that from happening. (smiles) Well, that's just my fantasy. But one thing i know for sure is that HE* loves me...
By the way, HE* loves you too.. No matter how your results are, HE* still loves you. And very much indeed!! For those of you who are worried because of your results, woried about what the future has for you, there is this verse that i would like to share with you:-
Do not worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can imagine. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
* Some of you are thinking that HE is my boyfriend right?! haha. Close, but not exactly true... Keep guessing if you still don't know.. LOL
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Room for Jesus
The words "there was no lodging available for them" remind me of a family trip many years ago. We had been travelling all day, and I was trying hard to find a motel where we could spend the night. As we drove along the highway, our hopes were dashed time and time again by the sight of NO VACANCY signs.
As a father responsible for the well-being of my family, I was frustrated and discouraged. Then I thought of Mary and Joseph. How much worst it must have been for them when they arrived in Bethlehem and found no rooms available! I can imagine Joseph pleading with the manager of the inn, telling him of Mary's condition and their desperate need for a place where she could give birth to her child. But there were 'no lodging available for them'. So when Jesus was born, His mother "wrapped Him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger" (Luke 2:7).
Today, 2000 million years later, millions of people have no room for Jesus. Although they participate enthusiastically in the festivities of the Christmas season, they keep him out of their lives. The NO VACANCY sign is there.
How about you? Is there room in your life for Christ? What better time than during this season to rededicate your life to Him or receive Him as your savior!
-Richard De Haan
Hope you guys have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Can't wait to see ya next year!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Praise the LORD!
Deng Deng Deng Deng!!!!
Hope you all love this song.. =)
And I do hope that one day, CU will sing this song together to praise our Heavenly Father.. XD
Friday, November 6, 2009
Teaser teaser...
After a brainstorming session over lunch, we came up with the new theme for CU.......
which will be revealed on the first CU activity of 2010
Here's some hints on the new theme for CU:
- Candle
- Switchfoot
- Matthew
haha, try to figure it out........
To all form 5s, all the best in ur SPM!!! Try ur best and remember to pray!
to the form 4s and form3s, woohooo! MERDEKA!
~Welcome to the team the CU blog team, Joe Siang & Cin Yi. *clap clap*
Thursday, November 5, 2009
生命多美好... Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic
**Source Of This Post:-
中学生激励营--超级巨星Super Star

那 …
那 …
那 …
地点――》SJKC 班达马兰(B)校
时间――》1〕星期二 9.00AM至4PM
2) 星期三 9.00AM至5.30PM
3) 星期四 9.00AM至5.00PM
节目――》1) 品格游戏 vs 真爱运动
2) Life Games 生命游戏
3) 搞笑升学激励讲座 (讲员是:马锦华硕士)
收费――》RM 50
请visit ,看看光华国中ex-ex-ex-CU President 对马锦华硕士的印象吧 … … … … … … … … … …
“He was the best speaker I have
ever met!!
“ 最具有改变能力之魅力讲师--马锦华硕士 ”
(Please Visit His Blog: )
就趁着这个假期,好好珍惜你的少年时光,为你的假期上色,填上意义 ,别让它白白地擦肩而过 …
机会就摆在你眼前,只是看你肯不肯接受 … …
请浏览 索取表格。
任何详情、或有些疑问、或想索取表格、或有趣参加的你可到4S3 找我(Keek Joe Siang) 或到4S5找 Ng Ying Khian …
谢谢你抽出时间了解这个激励营 …
** For More Information About This Camp, Please Visit
“ 超级巨星这个营会属于激励营.激励营阿,当然是激励学生的咯!!
激励学生向善向学,使学生肯定自己,自我成长,同时也发掘学生潜能,从中建立自信 ……那就是可以扩大你的生活圈子,让你结识更多靓仔靓女 ……”
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Majlis Perpisahan 2009
CU's going high-tech! But unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, PowerPoint could not be shown.....
Praise and worship led by our new career Sue Ann & secretary Cin Yi
Next up a special song presentation. This song is composed by Gary & Joe Siang
Here's how the lyrics go:
Through all the times we had
and memories we shared
back then, it seems like you're here forever....
Cause you're the sun in my universe
the best when we felt the worst
right now i wish you could be here forever....
So don't give up
when it seems so hard to accomplish
so don't give up because I know
I know....
God is with you
no matter where you'll go
through all the troubles you face
God'll be there for you
God is with you
no matter where you'll go
I know....
Friday, October 2, 2009
'LAST' words...?
I not have much to say as I joined CU since only last year.
But.. I do have much fun during each and every CU morning devotion and meeting.
and yeah.. CU is like a big family and I like this kind of feeling..
''family's'' feeling.. haha
I need to admit that CU has made me grow spiritually.
So, thanks ya guys for the great MP! I like the vid!
You guys will always be in my memory.
Time flies, but memories stay..
Ps: For the 'tasty' tomato sauce, I will never forget it for my whole life~ xD
Memoirs of a Retired CU president XD
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Farewell, Seniors!
Tears are shed,
Testimonies are shared.
Form 5's get to Merdeka,
Form 4's to Mengambil Alih.
Memories are kept,
Many goodbyes are said.
To all Form 5's, please take note that our Majlis Perpisahan will be held on the 2nd of October 2009, 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. in 5A3. Enough said!
P.S. Better be there or be SQUARE. We mean it. ;)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
TIME: 1.30-3.30 p.m.
PLACE: Meet up at 5A3, match would be outdoors.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Kwang+ACS CU outing to Bukit Cahaya
Some warm-up before entering...
Happy people getting their bicycles.
Also, happy people who didn't know how to cycle. =P
Some of them chose to experience summer (like M'sia not hot enough...)
Enjoying their food. By the way, when asked what was the best part of the trip, many said it was the FOOD! It was THAT good.
Praise and worship lead by the ACS-ians
The sketch competition.
Much laughters during the sketch...
The team that got second...I think this was the Bata advertisement part.
A happy group shot...
And everybody go CRAZYYYY!
For those who missed it, feeling tortured already? =D Don't worry, after this, there's a lot more to look forward to. Thank God for His protection over everyone on that day and for the great fun and fellowship gained!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The OLDs are going and the NEWs are coming?
Date: 7/8/09
Time: 1.30pm-3.15pm
Place: 5A3
Trip's announcement, please attend this Fri's meeting!
-Bring your gerko book
-Notebook and stationery
-Makan lunch together
-Don't be late~
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Gotong royong 09
Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work
(didn't take pics lu)
Group pics~ For those who went home early too bad la XD
We had fun don't we? =) Remember to keep CU room nice and clean (advice from your dear pres lol)
Cu trip~~~ 8th August 09
Pls settle the payment ASAP! TQ~
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
This Fri's Activity
It's 1.30pm-3.00pm
at CU room.
We would like you to share about your opinion, feeling and your comments about the passed
ISCF Rally 2009 especially you, you, you, and you (yeah I'm pointing at you, don't look elsewhere.. LOL) who served for the rally.
Besides, we also have 'special activity'.. *wink wink*
Hope to see you there.
ps: Bring your buku Gerko along la.. haha
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
ISCF RALLY 2009 AUDITION (Latest updates)!
Date: 30/31 May 2009 (tell me asap which is more suitable)
Time: 6 -8 pm
Audition Songs: Hosanna/ Salvation is here.
Auditioning for: musicians, singers, and worship leaders
2. Someone who is spiritual fit (walking rightly with God)
3. Someone who can commit
4. Someone who is careful in their words and action (as in their speech, attitude and character)
Please Text me(Kimberly)/ Call me/ Look for me in class (5A1) or library and tell me which date you prefer by 28th May 2009!!! Thanks =)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Did I just heard some people screaming? lol I know you are excited but After checking the blog out , back to your studies. Exams remember? :D
Cheers =)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
CU OUTING 2009!!!
Time: 8.00am-4.00pm
Place: Bukit Cahaya Park, Shah Alam
Fees: RM30 (inclusive of lunch and fees only)
Please get your form from Kimberly 5A1 or Ong Ru Min 2B and pass up the form before the holidays. We are hoping to apply for Subsidy from school =)
All the best for your exams and God Bless! =)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Farewell / Gathering
It suppose to be a farewell party for Pn. Goh
but seems like she has some problems with the application for school transfer.
Still don't know that she'll be leaving us on June or end of the year..
After end of praise and worship session, the cert-giving ceremony:
Kim presenting the cert to Lean Lik with me as the background
CU's grour photo: I am a 'C'!
Pn. Goh and Hui Ling
Finally, the 'after-sign' look of the card that you all nanti-nantikan.. xD
" Pn Goh has been very supportive to CU. Hui Ling served in CU as afternoon session secretary. She's also a good friend to all of us. And David (Pn Goh's son) is so cute and cubby lol.We will surely miss Pn Goh, Hui Ling and David!!! T.T " ---- quoted from Kim's blog
p/s: Yesterday Chee Ming's sweet 16!